Thursday, June 12, 2014

In Theory // Monthly Musings as Writing Inspiration

It started with my friend Val and I, who works with me at Theo Davis Printing, wanting to meet outside of work and vent about our mutual [how do I put this? Dislike, Frustration, Despair??] feelings toward project management. We were both project managers at the time and wanted to encourage each other and even do some brainstorming about how we could improve the position. 

We got bored of that subject, not surprisingly, and moved on to getting to know more about each others' interests. Quickly, we discovered that we both have a love for writing and shared accounts of our experiences with writing:  for me, my obsession with journaling and for her, a sports-related short story/novel. 

It was flippantly mentioned by one of us that we should meet on some sort of regular happening to write together. Not on the same project but in the same room somewhere we enjoyed being. So that's what we started doing.

We have met three times, once in March, April, and most recently May 10th. Twice at Barnes and Nobles and once at a coffee shop. It has been very helpful for both of us to be working on our own projects and when we get writer's block or just need a brain break, be encouraged to keep going when we see the other person scribbling away on something. We of course chat some--if I come across something interesting, I share it and vice versa. We have decided to call our time 'Monthly Musings', until we come up with something that we like better.

My goal when we get together is to fill at least one page in my notebook of ideas, concepts, things to research later, etc. Since I've been doing this monthly, I have yet to run out of fun things to do as projects, read about, and blog about. This is very important to me as a creative person--I have to stay inspired or I drive myself crazy. Sometimes I drive myself crazy anyways. 

My favorite place to go for this is Barnes and Nobles because it is comfortable to hang out in and if I run dry of inspiration inside of myself, I am completely surrounded by other authors and artists wanting to inspire. I usually take about ten minutes of the hours I'm there and browse the magazine, art and literature sections mainly. I pick up a few books/magazines that jump out at me and take them back to our space to look through. These are the four items that jumped out at me on May 10th: An art project book on Maps, a collection of poems, HOW design magazine, and a travel/photography magazine. 

I flipped through each one, taking notes on things I wanted to look into or try myself. Ideas for projects and things I wanted to do. 

I'd love to be more specific but this post has been long enough. I will be posting more about my Monthly Musings adventures with Val as they happen in the future. 

Thanks for reading!

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