Friday, August 23, 2013

Six Reasons Why I Journal

Why do I journal? 

1. I like the feeling of pen hitting paper--that's why it needs to be a good pen and great paper.           (Notice the emphasis on paper...)

2. I like the idea of emptying myself. Once the issue is described and out in the open (relatively) on the pages of my journal, it is no longer taking over my thoughts. There is a sense in which when it's on the paper, it won't be forgotten. My anxiety over an issue or an idea usually revolves around me worried that it won't get dealt with because I'll get distracted and forget about it.

3. Life starts to make a little more sense when I am able to organize the chaos in my mind by writing it out. Sometimes it's poorly formed, but that's okay.

4. There's no judgment. I can write embarrassing things or just pathetic thoughts and not feel judged. The pages just accept the words that come as if they were supposed to be there all along. This inspires honesty and only helps me get to know myself. There's nothing worse than trying to live a lie to myself.

5. I love the rambling and the rabbit trails that naturally occur when my mind is going a million miles an hour. The seed of dreams and great ideas lie in the illogical, not in the carefully conceived. A journal captures those seeds to be realized then and there... or discovered by a later read.

6. A person with as many emotions as I have needs a place to vent safely without hurting anyone. i hate to take things out on people. Hurtful words are remembered much longer than encouraging ones.

I know that most lists people make have a more round number of items on it, like 5 or 10, but that's all I got. So enjoy! I hope at least one or two things resonates with you.

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