Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Word Study [Curious]

cu·ri·ous  (ˈkyo͝orēəs)
1. Eager to learn more: curious investigators; a trapdoor that made me curious.
2. Unduly inquisitive; prying.
3. Arousing interest because of novelty or strangeness: a curious fact.

Society has labeled curiosity as a dangerous characteristic. All these phrases like ‘curiosity killed the cat’ and movies where the main plot is a good guy who gets ‘curious’ and finds out too much about the bad guy so they try to kill him. That’s not real life people. Of course, meddling around in someone else’s business is much different than the kind of curiosity that I’m encouraging.

Flowers my Wonderful Husband Gave Me

I’m going to step on my soap box for just a few words on one of the problems people have in this generation of technology and the American dream. Now, not everyone is like this, but there are enough to be dangerous and I believe it is one of the reasons that more and more people are looking to antidepressants to lift their spirits. People aren’t curious enough anymore. We’re just not as interested in learning about other people, cultures, countries, traditions, rarities. Somehow we are content enough to stay in our own little bubble and focus on ourselves and the problems we have. Not that problems don’t need attention, but there are so many issues that get exaggerated in importance and if we just didn’t focus on ourselves so much to begin with, they probably wouldn’t even exist.

I’m going to step down now but this is what I want Kiss Kreativ to help address: inspiring curiosity… Provide an outlet for people to learn and ask the right questions. Now how I’m going to do that is another issue.

What does that look like? For me, these are the things I am practicing doing now:

  1. Read a lot
  2. As I’m reading, if I don’t know what something is, look it up—the internet is a great resource for curiosity (it just shouldn’t stop there)
  3. Look to have conversations with people around me and not talk about yourself
  4. Draw
  5. Write—the more I write, the more I realize how much I don’t know

I have never regretted going out of my comfort zone to challenge my curiosity—not one time. Do it and write about it. That’s what I want to encourage. This blog is absolutely pulling me out of my comfort zone and I am enjoying every minute of it.

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