Saturday, July 6, 2013

A Word Study [Creative]

»cre·a·tive  (krēātiv)
1. Having the ability or power to create: Human beings are creative animals.
2. Productive; creating.
3. Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative: creative writing.
One who displays productive originality: the creatives in the advertising department.

Peacock Feathers I Use to Decorate With

»As weird as I am always afraid that I am (did that make sense??), I have found that I am happiest when I am creating something. Whether it is through music, or drawing, or writing, or just giving a hug. If I am inspiring some feeling of productivity or goodness in either myself or another person I feel very full.

»We are designed in the image of the Creator of the Universe—don’t you think at least some of that creativity has rubbed off on us? Clearly not at a God-like level (we can’t make something out of nothing), but God loved designing and creating and I strongly feel that we don’t encourage our own urges enough.

»We get paralyzed by what other people might think of what we come up with, whether they will like it enough, and so we don’t do anything. How can that be right? I have had plenty of the same thoughts myself and am still working to overcome this fear of man that everyone in the world struggles with at some level.

»All I know is I want to leave something behind that shows some semblance of truly appreciating the beauty of this world and having contributed something to it myself. As small or insignificant as it might realistically be in the grand scheme of the universe, I still want to contribute. We can get so distracted by things that don’t really matter very much and miss opportunities to enjoy beauty and participate in it.

This is an exciting journey on which I hope everyone who reads this will want to join me.

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