Friday, January 2, 2015

Top 5 Books I've Read in 2014

Independent Bookstore I visited in the Nolita neighborhood in Manhattan
I read so many books this past year that it is helpful for me to think back on what I've read and how they've affected me. There's no point in reading so much if I retain nothing. I always mean to journal throughout the experience of reading a book to take notes on either quotes I like or what I'm learning. I've done that for a couple books but not nearly as much as I want to. Some books are really just not inspiring at all, which is always a disappointment. Some books are so good that I'm jealous I didn't write them myself. 

Here is my list for 2014: 

Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell
Beautiful language and flow of the story. Such a realistic tale about two teenagers who fall in love amidst life that is dirty and still beautiful. It leaves you aching for more and but still satisfied.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
This book is the work of a creative genius and I am quite disappointed that more people haven't read it. I was so inspired by the mystery set up in the book and how lovely all the characters are. A circus that pops up in random cities without any announcement and is only open in the nighttime can you not love that? Reading this book was an experience in and of itself. 

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov
Considered a modern classic, Lolita has disturbing content but the language is so gorgeous that I had to finish it just for the pleasure of soaking in Nabokov's phrasing and word choice. This book is written in the first person from the perspective of a pedophile who falls in love with a 14-year old girl named Lolita. It sickens me to think of a grown man with a young girl in a romantic sense but also taught me a lot about how deep their struggle goes.

On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft by Stephen King
This is the book that inspired me to pursue writing my novel. Stephen King is very good at writing about writing. He's very down to earth about his art and to someone who is just starting out, like me, he helps drive a realistic and helpful perspective about all the trials involved in starting and finishing a novel. He's also helpful without giving too many rules. I hate rules more than anyone I know and, especially, with something creative, I can't be put in a box. King doesn't encourage a box, he encourages being messy and cleaning up later. 

To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
This book is obviously a classic and please don't judge me for having not read it until this year. I loved every second of it and you know what? It is a classic but I loved it because it's not boring. It kept me on the edge of my seat and I read it so fast. Like in four days. 

What is on your top reading list for 2014? I want some recommendations for 2015 so be sure to comment below!

Thanks for reading!

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