Thursday, May 16, 2013

It's Now or Never

»[A brief introduction] Hi everyone, thank you for reading To Organize Passion! I have never kept up with a blog before so this is a big thing for me and I am super excited. This blog’s purpose is to provide me with a platform to catalog my thought process and progress in a creative endeavor within the realm of art and design, as well as get all of you on board. I graduated college with a business degree concentrated in entrepreneurship and ever since, I have dreamed about starting my own business. I’m not going to call this a business just yet—I feel better about the word ‘endeavor’; however after doing some experimenting and finding something that works, I might have something I can call official. For now, though, this is just me stepping out to pursue something I love.
»I am at a point in my life where I am mostly settled...[meaning] I have graduated college with a business degree (May 2012), officially moved into my own place (June 2012), started my first big-girl job (July 2012), and married my best friend (September 2012). No kids yet and I am not rushing.
The dust is starting to settle from all the craziness that was last year·I still don't know how I survived·and my creative urges are pushing me to do something with the ideas that have been floating crashing around in my head for years now.
Ideas like actually doing something with my love of art and drawing. Now that I work at a printing company, I get to be around all kinds of cool graphic design and I get excited about things like paper. I know...dork. But it has gotten me even more excited about everything that has made me crazy in the past. Dot dot dot.

»[A little bit about my past] This is the no judgment allowed zone... I used to spend hours upon hours playing paper dolls. Correction--drawing and coloring paper dolls. I never bought manufactured ones- I always drew my own. All I wanted to do was draw clothes for them and design their bedroom furniture, then create them with paper. I actually built a two-story house for my doll out of cardboard once. Then my cat peed on it and broke my heart so I quit. I rarely got around to playing because I always wanted to design and draw more. That (Paper Dolls) has stayed in my past but the love for drawing and creating fun things with paper has not. Now that I work at a printing company, where paper is a REALLY big deal, my childhood fascination with putting things on paper sometimes keeps me up at night.

 Secret: I actually sought counseling for the urges to draw during the night because I was concerned. I've now learned to funnel it better so it doesn’t literally keep me up at night anymore.

»The big question is, though, what do I do with it? This blog is called To Organize Passion because I am going to attempt to do just that. Funnel my strange passion for things made out of paper and drawing into something useful. Again though, how do I do this? I don't have the answer for this right now. BUT stay tuned as I grapple with this concept and come up with something of worth.

What's going to happen, I don't know. But that's the excitement of it! Everyone's got something they love that they might not know how to funnel into something other people can make use of. I want to create and there's no better time than now...

 »[Step 1. Create a brand] Design a business card for my individual marketing of this brand I am creating for myself. This business card will need my personality on it, as well as show off what Theo Davis as a printing company can do with creativity. I will need as much support as I can get from family and friends—as well as critique so there's no way for me not to get better at what I am doing.
Just for kicks: ten concepts that get my creative buzzing:
Old Books · Journals · Drawings · Writing · German · Secrets · Fashion · Downtown · Art/Design · Vintage
This isn’t a super organized business plan, but if we’re being honest here, this is where my brain is at right now. As ideas flourish and come to life, I will do my best to update this blog. To Organize Passion exists to help me stay accountable to my dreams and not waste them. I’m depending on my readers as well to give me input and talk about it to friends so the circle of influence grows. Don’t hesitate to comment on this blog or contact me with your thoughts via email: Thanks everybody!


1 comment:

  1. This was very interesting and inspiring! And I enjoyed learning a little more about my precious daughter!!!
