Saturday, November 22, 2014

In Theory // 10 Ways to Fill Up Your Journal

My journals from 2009-2014.
This post includes 10 ways to fill up your journal without a boring rendition of the day's events--entries that are too boring to write (unless something extraordinary happened) and don't make you want to reread.

Feeling creative? So you grab an empty journal and open it to the first blank page. Now what? Does your imagination fail you?

Or do you have a million unfinished journals and want to fill them up so you don't waste paper? That is, until you go buy the next adorable owl-studded diary at Barnes & Nobles. 

I have lived both scenarios many times and they can be very frustrating for the creative person. The following list should help either person fill up those intimidating pages. Or at least jump start your progress!

[1] Make lists. Current favorite songs, movies, books to read, to-do's for the day, goals for the summer, think up the most unrelated things possible and list them. 

[2] Answer one of the following questions: (Or script your own)
What is important to me today?
What inspired me today?
Who did I meet today?
What am I thankful for right now?
Who am I and who do I want to be?

[3] Use up a page designing a new way to script the alphabet. Practice using it on the next few pages.

[4] Copy down a few favorite quotes. Google some if you don't have any memorized or readily available to read.

[5] Doodle a cartoon character and have a conversation with him/her/it via speech bubbles. 
My 5-second conversation. :)
[6] Plan your next dream trip. Write down every where you'd visit, photos you'd take, who you'd meet. What souvenirs would you take home?

[7] Write a letter to the actor/musician you hate the most. Explain to them how disappointed you have been in their career and why they should find another job.

[8] Open a book to a random page, close your eyes and point to a sentence. Copy this sentence on the page in your journal and close the book. Finish the scene using stream of consciousness. Don't stop until you have closure. 

[9] Take your journal to a park and draw a map of the layout of the park design on the page. Be sure to include the people walking their dogs and the three toddlers running away from their moms.

[10] Design a household appliance you think needs to be invented. Draw it in diagram form so an engineer could build it according to your picture. 

Thanks for reading--that's all I got. Let me know if you try any of these and how they go for you! I had fun dreaming them up. :)

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Introducing the Mini//Product Pictures for My Christmas Offer

Again, this is the $11 version that I listed on my flyer (see this post for the flyer). It is 5.5''x4.25'' and has 52 blank pages. Send me a name or phrase and I will hand-letter it on the front for customization (included in the price)! The next size up is $15 and is the same width and twice as tall as this one. These are really fun to make and I'm hoping to make a lot of them...

Thanks everyone!

A Special Christmas Offer: from Kiss Kreativ to You